Happy Monday and almost-April! This time of year is the best time to purchase those fab winter items that are FINALLY on sale, and get a head start on spring/summer fashion that is currently discounted. Below are a few items I have my eye on - I LOVE that leopard coat and am so tempted to buy it for next winter, and those leopard-print sandals would pair perfectly with spring and summer dresses; that Kate Spade bag is a classic {I would wear it all year round!} and simple statement earrings with spring colors would be the perfect addition to any outfit. Happy shopping!

Isa Tapia sandals via Shopbop {here}
Sisoo earrings {here}
Kate Spade bag via Piperlime {here}
Dorothy Perkins faux fur coat {here}
I know I should think about buying winter items when they're on sale, but I never think to! So hard to do when all you want are new sandals and floral prints ;) But I'm so glad you're sharing these great steals! I'll have to do some browsing.
In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with Bikinis.I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.